Streamline Your Technology
Avoid business risk and escape unnecessary complexity.
Better Approach
The typical managed service provider proudly displays a multitude of "Partner" logos only motivated to resell products and bill hourly for supposedly any technology need. The problem is most equipment has little value after purchase and layers of software often cause frustrating business interruptions.
If you streamline your technology, there is less to buy, manage, and protect. Without incentive to sell products or bill hours, we can focus on our niche specialties providing unbiased insight for informed business decisions.
Top 10 Ways to Streamline Your Technology
- Create a System Plan Beyond tables of settings and security for critical systems, most importantly have a logical overview diagram with warranty renewal dates and software versions in red that are expired or unsupported along with a list of critical risk points that could damage your business.
- Develop a 5 Year Technology Forecast. Make a spreadsheet with summary, critical hardware and software, and projects. At purchase, hardware and software has known a warranty or renewal and supported lifecycle to minimize future surprises or determine better long-term strategies.
- Prepare a cost justification. For each initiative, create an one-page comparison of software, hardware, and support for current and new technology savings over a 5 and 10 year period. Legacy approaches to technology are often 50% more than cloud offerings or vetted IT support with more business disruption and risk.
- Have a regular Risk Exam. With the advent of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), all business are required to prove to their customers that they are serious about their privacy as the average internal IT support is one person with little training or unvetted third-parties.
- Eliminate e-mail and file servers. Offerings like Office 365 are a significant savings over on-premise servers and productivity software with better security for encryption and auditing, no server maintenance, built-in backup, and seamless upgrades.
- Go Virtual. Buy fewer physical servers to manage and protect with faster deployment, upgrades, and disaster recovery - better yet move virtual servers to the cloud to eliminate dependence on your facilities with more space and less power consumption and security risk.
- Prevent ransomware. Enable multi-factor authentication to prevent password hacking, cloud web filtering to protect users wherever they are from malicious or inappropriate sites, and proactively monitor system alerts before major outages or security events.
- Quarterly business review. Evaluate a regular SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) overview with progress and audit of projects including review of system status summary and any problem areas.
- Protect customer privacy. Implement annual data breach training with quarterly social engineering or phishing tests, and weekly security tips to protect your business reputation and customer privacy.
- Improve competitive advantage. Beyond avoiding willful neglect of traditional technology support, vetted IT support provides thoroughly investigated criteria to ensure suitability and trustworthiness by government and industry authorities - for patented process improvement, greater return on investment, and better market awareness and customer confidence.
Microsoft Gold
Highest accreditation for specialized Microsoft Cloud, Platform, and Security solutions.
Act Now
If you have 25 staff or $5M in revenue and need vetted IT support, book an appointment.